Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is Fabulous?

Fab-u-lous adj resembling a fable: of an incredible, astonishing or exaggerated nature WONDERFUL, MARVELOUS

So what is it going to take to be fabulous by 40? What is fabulous? I guess it’s different for everyone, but for me it has nothing to do with Botox, or a little nip and tuck, or a complete makeover. All that’s fine, but it’s superficial stuff and it means nothing if you still feel miserable, old, and crummy on the inside. For me, being fabulous means being healthy (not just thin, but healthy), being strong physically and mentally, having a clear direction in life and pointing firmly and determinedly in that direction.

I think I’m pretty healthy, no major ailments, but I am overweight by about 20 pounds and I know that’s taking a toll on my body. So that’s going to have to go. I think I’m mentally pulled together. I deal with life’s issues pretty well and take the rough with the smooth without having frequent meltdowns. My physical strength could do with a boost, so we’ll work on that too. As for my direction, I have one. I want to be a writer of books, fiction and non-fiction. There, I’ve said it. So, one of my big obstacles will be focus. I need to keep my eye on the ball and not run off in another direction every time something new and shiny comes up. This will be the hardest thing, because I love new ideas, I have lots, and let’s face it, the new shiny ideas are much more fun that the old ones we’ve been slogging away at for eons.

So, it’s time to get serious—about my work, my health, and my fitness--but not so serious that I lose my sense of humor! (Phew! This aging business is a lot of work. Better than the alternative, though, I suppose.)

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